Takashi Murakami - DOB in the Strange Forest (Blue DOB)

[SOUNDFX: Video game sounds]

What does this work remind you of? Doesn’t it make you think of a cartoon, or maybe a game or app you might play?

Well, DOB in the Strange Forest (Blue DOB) is a work by Takashi Murakami that explores a number of things - movies and images from childhood, culture and, actually, the artist—Takashi-- himself.

The scene is inspired by a moment in Alice in Wonderland, where Alice runs into a caterpillar, lying sleepily on a mushroom. That is our Strange Forest.

In the middle is the blue character, Dob. Dob is Takashi’s alter ego - or avatar - in this Strange Forest.

Dob looks amazed by his surroundings, and perhaps a little frightened too?

Is his hand pushing one of the mushrooms away?

Is he having a [SOUNDFX: creaking] nightmare? Perhaps he wants those eyes to stop looking at him! I know I would

[NARRATOR: shudder and laugh]!

DOB is a really interesting character. Look at the shape of his head and his two round ears. Remind you of anyone?

Yes, he’s like Mickey Mouse [SOUNDFX: Mickey Mouse’s laugh]. He’s also based on anime - a style of art from Japan - and is almost the same blue as Sonic the Hedgehog [SOUNDFX: Sonics ring collection tone].

That’s what makes this work so interesting – it’s a real blend of influences.

Toy-like sculptures as art, but also western and eastern cultures combined.



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