The Broad Art Foundation

The museum is also home to The Broad Art Foundation, which was created in 1984 as a pioneering lending library dedicated to increasing public access to contemporary art through an enterprising loan program. The foundation has loaned artworks to museums more than 9,000 times, worldwide.
How to Make a Loan Request
The Broad Art Foundation considers written loan requests from accredited institutions, or those whose staff and facilities are similarly qualified. The borrowing institution is required to undertake all costs for packing, transporting, handling and insuring the artworks in transit to and from all venues and during exhibition of the works. Requests are considered on an individual basis and the Foundation's decision to lend is based upon the pertinence of the artworks to the content of the exhibition, the prior loan commitments of the requested artworks, the fragility of the artwork, and the Foundation's goal of exposure to the widest or neediest audiences. Most often, the Foundation gives preferred consideration to lending one work or a small grouping of works to augment major one-person or thematic exhibitions which have a tour schedule of several venues. Periodically, the long-term loan of one or two artworks to individual institutions may be arranged.
The Foundation's photographic archives include digital images of nearly all works, enabling us to supply visual material to potential borrowing institutions.
For loan requests, please contact Anne Mersmann, Director of Collections Management, at